Mama Musings : Jack's 7th Month

Our little guy turned 7 months old on the 4th (I'm two weeks late again, haha)...but here's what's new this a few photos! 

  • Little Jack loves sitting up, and flops onto his belly to try to crawl. He spends the majority of his time sitting & scooching around on his belly these days! 
  • Jack moves ALL OVER his crib at night! He is such a wiggle worm! 
  • Jack’s putting his paci into his mouth all by himself!  He also can find it in his crib when it falls out. We’re so proud of him…our little independent guy! ;) 
  • Probably one of the biggest changes this month are Jacks TEETH!  Both of his bottom teeth came in within a week of each other! That was an interesting week ;), but we love his toothy grin! 
  • We have a new play pen! We set up a new playpen for Jack since he’s wiggling & rolling all over the place these days…he LOVES it! 
  • Open mouth smiling and growling! HA! Jack gets so excited about his toys these days…he opens his mouth in a wide smile and growls (then bites them, haha) when we had them to him! He’s also gotten a lot more independent when he plays! 

We love our sweet, happy baby boy! <3