I can hardly believe that our little Jack Jack is 11 months old! Actually, he'll be a year old in less than two weeks! (I'm late with this post, as usual! ;))
Here's what was new in his 11th month!
- WALKING! - Jack had been taking a few steps here and there in his play pen & pack n play, but he officially started walking on July 3rd!
- Crawling up stairs - Shortly after he started walking, Jack figured out he could crawl up stairs, and he loves it! Our boy is mobile and he's excited about exploring EVERYTHING!
- Clapping- Jack claps every time we say "yay!!" and it is the most adorable thing ever!
- So big! - He also will put his hands up in the air when we say "so big!"
- Eating solids like a champ! - Jack is feeding himself all sorts of things these days, and we're excited to introduce him to even more foods when he turns one! :)
- 8 teeth! - We love his toothy grin!
A few more photos from Jack's 11th month! :)