Abbey | Senior Representative Session

I am just so excited to share this post!! I had my first 2017 Senior Representative session with Abbey a couple weeks ago, and it was absolutely amazing! This girl is so sweet and so photogenic! I'm truly so excited for y'all to meet all of the amazing 2017 senior reps! These girls are wonderful! 

As I started thinking about my senior representative program, I wanted to do more than just write a little 'blurb' about these girls for their blog posts! They're all so talented, smart, and sweet, and I wanted everyone to be able to see that! So, I decided to start my 'porch sit' series! The whole idea behind this series is that I'm sitting on a porch, glass of sweet tea in hand, chatting with each of my sweet senior reps about life! 

Growing up I used to sit on the porch with my family just to talk, and those are some of my favorite memories! 

I just loved Abbey's responses to my 'porch sit' questions, and I think you will, too! 

What are you most looking forward to about your senior year?

I think the thing that I'm looking forward to most about senior year is finishing this chapter of my life on a good note! I want to savor every moment. High school goes by in the blink of an eye, so I'm definitely going to cherish the time I have left with my friends and family before starting the rest of my life! 

If you could have given yourself one piece of advice as a freshman, what would that advice be?

Looking back to freshman year, I remember being so worried that every decision I made would determine the course of my life. I would definitely tell myself to just take a breath, and relax! Failing that one test won't keep me from becoming anything I want to be. Over these past three years in high school, I have developed a confidence in myself that I really wish I had during my freshman year. 

Who is someone you really look up to and why?

Just like any little sister, I look up to my big sister Hannah the most! She started college this past year, and I can only hope to be as graceful as she was during that transition. She has become my best friend in addition to being my sister. Hannah really is beautiful inside and out!    

What is your favorite song right now? 

This is such a hard question! If I had to pick just one song, it would probably be Fever Dream by Iron & Wine. (Click this link to listen to Abbey's favorite song as you scroll through her images!) 

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Traveling to Italy is definitely at the top of my bucket list. I've always wanted to eat authentic Italian pizza!

Have you thought about what you're going to do after high school? If so, what would you like to do?

Right now,  I'm looking into accounting after I go to college. Most people hate the idea of an office job, but it really appeals to me for some reason! And yes, I get the "Where do you want to go to college?" question about 30 times a day, but right now I have no clue! I will go wherever the Lord sends me. :) 

And now some of my favorites from Abbey's session! 

Love this one! 


Abbey, you're stunning, girlfriend! 

So cute!

This one is a favorite for sure!

Just gorgeous!!